Have you ever been afflicted with analysis paralysis?

Have you ever had so much trouble focusing that you could just kick yourself for not having your shit together already?

That’s me right now. Here’s this lofty goal of sharing valuable, uplifting, empowering insights to the searching souls of cyberspace, and here I go wandering off in the middle of progress like the Goddess of Alzheimer’s.

What the hell, Ricky Bobby?

Today is Thursday, November 14, 2024, and distractions and the need to purge old ideas right now seem to take center stage. This is the second blog post, and this new venture into affiliate marketing/website creation is coming along at a snail’s pace. It’s my own damn fault! You see You-Tube has been the latest dangling carrot that promises to be yet another avenue to drive traffic to this website outside of Pinterest, and I’ve been recording/deleting/re-recording videos in attempt to create useful content while simultaneously mind-dumping these buzzing thoughts about the election. (If you’re curious, you can find the Peridot Maeve Storm channel.)

This time is SUPPOSED to be used for WRITING and figuring out how to create pins on Canva and then figuring out how to effectively make the affiliate links stand out and yada yada yada.  Yeah, it’s slow rolling today.

So why should you care?

Well….as you can see, this post DID finally get cranked out, but HOW did it finally materialize?

Well…it took a bit of inner drill sergeant, “Get your ass back to work!” lecturing. THEN some deep breaths, some stretching, a long walk, a shower to cleanse away all the non-beneficial energies, then eating some lunch, THEN FINALLY I sat down and started typing.  Ugh!  Sounds pretty pathetic, but it is what it is.

AGAIN, why should you care?

The best short answer is that obviously life can, and oftentimes does, derail our daily plans. Sometimes WE are the source of our obstacles, but once we admit it, we can regroup and start again.

When less-than-productive days occur, it helps to give ourselves a little grace but also know when to stop self-coddling and put on our “big girl panties.”   There’s a time for reflection and a time for serious action. The happy news is that YOU get to decide the priorities for YOUR life ultimately!

What are some suggestions for the next time we get scattered?

  • Deep breaths
  • Know when to step away and come back with a fresh outlook
  • Go outside for fresh air
  • Touch a tree
  • Journal
  • Brainstorm
  • Walk on the ground barefoot
  • Use crystals such as Black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz, moss agate, shungite, garnet, hematite, red jasper, etc.

And whatever else has positively redirected you in the past.

YOU are the best judge of what brings you success.

My wish for you is to remember that each moment is a new opportunity to choose YOUR DESTINY.

Each day will present something to overcome and to learn.

Happy learning! Thank you for tuning in!


(Psst!) Check out my 3, body/mind/spirit product galleries for Promo Links if you are like me and could use all the help you can get! 


Love, Peridot